Share your idea with our team of experts and create with us your custom viewer! Please contact our online assistance, or use the contact details in the "Contact" section to order your custom cardboard and find out how to shape your project. Our staff can provide you a catalog with all the technical specifications and a price list with costs for different amounts.
QR Cardboard personalizza ogni modello in tutte le sue parti, a partire da 500 pezzi con stampa offset e fustelle originali certificate, offrendo la garanzia di un lavoro puntuale effettuato senza intermediari. Tale lavoro è svolto direttamente dai nostri esperti presso il nostro stabilimento nel rispetto della qualità e degli standard italiani.
If you choose to create a new project with us, we can also support you in obtaining the WWGC certification issued by Google. Order your original cardboard now and request the new catalog.
QR Cardboard is open to tailored projects, highly customizable according to different needs. The artisanal approach allows the maximum flexibility for the design and creation of custom products, using your aesthetic suggestions and functional details.