
Brings virtual reality to fun parks with QR Cardboard

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12 September

Brings virtual reality to fun parks with QR Cardboard

Porta la realtà virtuale nei parchi divertimento con QR Cardboard

From Walt Disney World to Gardaland passing throug Cinecittà World, virtual reality arrives to the biggest amusement parks. Choo to be no less! QR Cardboard allows you to give immersive experi-ences even in small parks with small investments. Walt Disney, Gardaland and Cinecittà World rely on Virtual Reality to renovate the theme parks. They demonstrate their latest attractions based on 360 world. Million-euro investment to give im-mersive experiences through historic villages, mysterious labyrinths and movie sets. An effective gadget not only to make the experience within the park unique, but also to foster social sharing and increase visibility on and off line. Virtual Reality, however, is not just a business for the rich. QR Cardobard opens the doors of 360 reality even to small and medium theme parks / entertainment, offering 360-slider, practical and light-weight viewers in three fully customizable versions. The product, certified by Google, is lightweight, universal and immediate. A plus that, in addition to en-suring the high viewer standard, brings economic benefits to those who choose it. Yes, because the materials and design used make it ultra-light and space-saving, reducing shipping costs also abroad; its universality does not force you to buy a specific smartphone and it does not require too expen-sived evices to be used. Visit www.qrcardboard.com to request a free quote.


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